Open Call for Exhibitors and Programs is Closed 

DEADLINE: Sunday, Oct 22, 2023, 11:59pm ET

APPLICATION FEE: $5* / Free for Jersey City-based applicants**

With over 70 exhibitors, 2 days of programs and 1,500 visitors attending our inaugural year, Jersey Art Book Fair 2024 is coming back to Jersey City with a mission to expand the field of book arts by supporting multidisciplinary practices and creating a welcoming community of diversity. Apply and help co-shape what an art book fair can be, Jersey style!

Who can apply to this Call?

Jersey Art Book Fair is accepting applications for Exhibitors and Program Hosts through October 17, 2023. We strive to showcase the widest range and scope of small presses and independent publishers, in the form of exhibitors and events. From the breadth of publication format to how you publish, i.e. collective, institutional, DIY, small press, we take your passion for book arts into consideration during the application review process.

To be eligible to apply as an Exhibitor:

To be eligible to apply as an Program Host:

What are the exhibitor sizes, and how much do they cost?

[Mobile users, view horizontally]

Fees are determined by 1) the size of the exhibit space that you choose, and 2) the number of days you plan to attend. Refer to this chart to compare sizes and associated fees.

Size Description 1 Day 2 Day

S 3' table - $95

M 4' table $85 $145 ($25 savings)

M+ 4' table w/wall $110 $190 ($30 savings)

L 6' table $125 $215 ($35 savings)

L+ 6' table w/wall $165 $290 ($40 savings)

XL 4'+6' L-shaped $195 $345 ($45 savings)

XL+ 4'+6' L-shaped w/wall $255 $460 ($50 savings)

Small (S) is in a pop-up store setting and ideal for those who cannot attend in person. Sales are on a 50/50 consignment basis. Exhibitor is responsible for all shipping and handling costs of materials to and from event site. Any unsold materials will be returned to Exhibitor at Exhibitors' expense.

Medium (M), Large (L) and X-Large (XL) include one table and two chairs. The [+] sign indicates the inclusion of wall space.

Key Dates


September 7 Launch Open Call

October 22 Close Open Call

Late November Individuals are notified of application status

Mid-December Social Media assets released


Mid-January JAB Fair Catalog released

February 2 Early check-in and setup for Exhibitors

February 3-4 JAB Fair!

Selection Process

Call for Exhibitors and Program Hosts is open through October 22 at 11:59 pm ET. 

We first evaluate your application for the following four criteria:

If your application meets all the above criteria, it then advances to the next round for content review by our Advisory Jury. Advisors change each year but may include JAB Fair alums, DesignShed board members, multidisciplinary professionals, and local leaders in curation, community engagement, publishing and visual arts.

As part of the review process, the Advisory Jury gives special consideration to applicants who reflect our commitment to promoting diversity and equity, as well as those who present ideas or concepts that could be better represented in the mainstream, commercial, or institutional spaces. Individuals will be notified in late November of their application status.

Any tips for a good exhibitor application?

What program categories do you accept and what's the compensation?

We encourage unique programs that expand the art book fair experience, including but not limited to workshops, demonstrations, panel discussions, author readings, film showings, performances, walking tours and any other programs that are multidisciplinary in nature.

Honoraria is $125, material stipends on a per-event basis.

NOTE: Event capacities must be a minimum of 40 participants.

What exhibitor materials will not be accepted?

How are your fees determined?

All fees generated from Jersey Art Book (JAB) Fair go directly into three efforts:

What do exhibitors and program hosts receive if accepted?

Am I required to be at my space during operating hours?

* The $5 application fee helps to support JAB Fair's basic operating expenses. We understand that for some, this fee may create a barrier or burden to applying. If this is the case for you, please contact with subject "FEE WAIVER" to request a fee waiver.

** Upon submitting proof of eligibility, all applicants who live, work or study in Jersey City will be reimbursed $5 application fee.